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Title Tokyo Transit Book [The 7th Edition]

Author Garry Bassin

Price 1,026 yen (tax included)

ISBN 978-4-7890-1189-1

Published 2005-04-01

For the millions of overseas travelers coming to Tokyo each year, the capital's transit system can seem like a daunting maze of alien signs and announcements, ticket machines and transfers, endless passageways and a beguiling number of exits. But the system is an efficient, quick and safe way to get about Tokyo. All you need is a guide.
Using color-coded maps and the recently introduced alphabetical numbering system for stations designed by the Transportation Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Metro to assist foreign travelers, the latest edition of the “Tokyo Transit Book” will take you step by step through your journey, from getting on the train you want to getting off at your destination.

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